

Customizable to your specific needs

Therapeutic Thai Massage combines modalities of Traditional Thai and deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and acupressure to alleviate chronic conditions so as to bring wellness, comfort and mobility to the client.

The therapeutic component focuses attention on the specific problem area by applying pressure at certain acupuncture and trigger points related to the ailment along the body’s energy pathways. Each specific treatment point is held for 5 to 10 seconds so as to improve the energy flow and help the body regain balance. The pressure is firm, yet relaxing.

It is not uncommon for the practitioner to spend an hour providing therapeutic treatment on the problem area such as the neck or shoulder. And depending on the condition’s severity, treatment on the chronic area may, though not always, feel more painful. However at the end of the treatment, the client usually feels much better than before the treatment began.

Ideal for anyone who suffers from chronic pain and discomforts or limited mobility due to athletic training, repetitive movements, internal malady, or overuse. Prior to beginning the massage session, a consultation is required to address specific conditions of the client.

Hot compresses or heating or cooling products may be used to help alleviate the symptoms, whether to release tension, decreases pain, invigorate muscles or balance internal organs.

The benefits of Thai massage as an overview:

  • Reduced stress
  • Emotional calming & deep relaxation
  • Increased range of motion
  • Decreased muscle fatigue
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Improved breathing
  • Increased immunity
  • Greater mental clarity
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Better emotional balance
  • Improved feeling of overall well-being

Thai Massage Sessions

Thai Massage combined
with Trigger Point and
Therapeutic treatment session

€ 100

How does a session look?

Both the giver and receiver are dressed in loose-fitting comfortable clothing  and bare feet, no oils or lotions are used. The client rests on a thick,  comfortable mat which has been placed on the floor.

The therapist uses thumbs, palms, elbows, knees and feet to apply a  combination of acupressure, gentle rocking and twisting, joint and spine

mobilizations. The practitioner will massage, stretch, and move your body  through beneficial yoga postures as you breathe and relax. The therapist works kneeling or sitting on the floor alongside the client,  working from the feet up to the shoulders and neck, over the face and onto  the scalp.

Although Traditional Thai Massage is never painful, deep stretching can  sometimes be intense and honest communication, whether it is verbal or non verbal, is essential in order to effectively work through deeply held patterns of  muscle tension.

What are the benefits in details?

The benefits of Thai Yoga Massage are countless. By freeing the flow of vital energy in the body, Thai Massage can improve posture, breathing,  flexibility, digestion and circulation. Muscles are stretched, inner organs toned  and emotional and nervous tension is reduced. Often a deep sense of peace  can be experienced during and after a treatment. Although the main  emphasis in the practice of Thai Massage is usually on health prevention (as  all disease manifests first on the energy level and can be treated there before  it becomes physical), it can also be of great therapeutic benefit for a range of  specific problems and conditions, such as headaches, back pain, digestive  disorders, shoulder and neck tension, joint pain, menstruation problems,  mental/emotional exhaustion, insomnia and other stress related conditions. The massage of energy (sen in Thai) lines helps to create balance in the  body.

Shoulder, lower back, hip and knee problems can be addressed through  regular Thai massage as can more organic issues affecting internal organs.  Pressure combined with manipulation stretches the spine and pulls on joints  to leave the body feeling loose and relaxed, ultimately maintaining flexibility  and relieving tension.

The stretching, twisting and movement helps to bring blood and therefore  oxygen to stiff joints and diseased organs giving the body a chance to do  what it wants to do. . . heal itself.